Diego Maradona

Hello, this is Zeta.

I am really shocked to hear that Diego Maradona passed away.
I can’t believe it and I don’t want to.

He is the best player all time for me no matter what others say.

I saw him in 1990 at Italy world cup.
That was the first time to see him.

I was surprised to see him juggle a ball like he handled it with his hands.
When I was young, I used to imitate his play, never succeeded.

During Italy world cup,
he was suffering from dirty fouls from the defenders.
However, he was playing like nothing happened.

I thought that he was a player with dignity.
From that time, I have been respecting him whatever happened to him in private.

I would like to thank you Diego.
You taught me the fun of foodball.

Please rest in peace.


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